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Learn the SECRET!

Assign the exercise below to your student. After they answer all the questions correctly, each student will receive the "Secret Word". Students are instructed to share the secret word only with their teacher! This is top secret stuff. Teachers can then record who successfully completed their assignment. Each assignment comes with a different secret word. Learning can be FUN!

Homework Exercises . . . Learn The Secret!

secret homework exercises

clock vowels

VowelTime is a free interactive online program which helps k-5 children master the short and long A, E, I, O, and U vowels. This online vowel program which is hosted by interactive agents takes kids through interactive exercises which help young learners master their vowel sounds. Your child can practice their vowels by hearing the vowel sounds sung and select the correct word that has that matching vowel sound. This will surely be an A+ with your little learner.


Interactive exercises for measuring with a ruler in feet, yards, meters, centimeters.

Assign an exercise to your students. After students complete their homework exercise answering all the questions correctly, they are given a secret word. Students are instructed to give their teacher this secret word very quietly! The teacher can then record who successfully completed their assignment. Each assignment comes with a different secret word.

short vowel lessonTelling Time

Interactive exercises for the analog and digital clock.

Learn the SECRET! Assign an exercise to your students. After students complete their homework exercise answering all the questions correctly, they are given a secret word. Students are instructed to give their teacher this secret word very quietly! The teacher can then record who successfully completed their assignment. Each assignment comes with a different secret word.

**Note: All text is spoken - no reading required!

Answer Sheet

For TEACHER'S answer sheet contact: admin@spellingTime.com

Custom Exercise

Customizable exercises are available upon request contact: admin@spellingTime.com


analog clock

Short and Long Vowels - 15 problems


digial clock

Short and Long Vowels - 25 problems


homework exercises


analog clock

Feet, inches & yards

digial clock

Feet, inches, yards, centimeters, meters


homework exercises

analog clock

Analog Clock

Digital Clock

digial clock

Analog Clock

Digital Clock


Custom Exercise

Customizable exercises are available upon request contact us @ admin@spellingTime.com

Learning can be fun!